Browse By Author Name - Jelemenský, Ľ.

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Molnár, A., Markoš, J. and Jelemenský, Ľ. Accuracy of Mathematical Model with Regard to Safety Analysis of Chemical Reactors Chemical Papers, Vol.56, No. 6, 2002, 357-361      
Kisa, M., Jelemensky, Ľ., Mierka, O. and Stopka, J. Comparison of CFD Modelling with Small-Scale Field Experiments of Chlorine Dispersion Chemical Papers, Vol.58, No. 6, 2004, 429-434      
Holíková, K., Žajdlík, R., Markoš, J. and Jelemenský, Ľ. Comparison of Single Coal Char Particle Combustion at Different Conditions Chemical Papers, Vol.59, No. 6a, 2005, 413-420      
Markoš, J., Žajdlík, R., Remiarová, B. and Jelemenský, Ľ. Experimental Study of Single Coal Char Particle Combustion Mechanism Chemical Papers, Vol.55, No. 6, 2001, 359-363      
Švandová, Z., Markoš, J. and Jelemenský, Ľ. HAZOP Analysis of CSTR with the Use of Mathematical Modelling Chemical Papers, Vol.59, No. 6b, 2005, 464-468      
Koreňová, Z., Juma, M., Annus, J., Markoš, J. and Jelemenský, Ľ. Kinetics of pyrolysis and properties of carbon black from a scrap tire Chemical Papers, Vol.60, No. 6, 2006, 422-426      
Žajdlík, R., Jelemenský, Ľ., Markoš, J. and Remiarová, B. Modelling of Gasification of a Single Coal Char Particle Chemical Papers, Vol.55, No. 6, 2001, 364-368      
Jelemenský, Ľ., Markoš, J., Žajdlík, R. and Remiarová, B. Modelling of Nonlinear Behaviour during Combustion of Single Coal Char Particle Chemical Papers, Vol.54, No. 6b, 2000, 473-481      
Švandová, Z., Markoš, J. and Jelemenský, Ľ. Multiple steady states in a CSTR with total condenser: Comparison of equilibrium and nonequilibrium models Chemical Papers, Vol.60, No. 6, 2006, 432-440      
Jelemenský, Ľ., Harišová, J., Molnár, A. and Markoš, J. Reliable Risk Estimation in the Risk Analysis of Chemical Industry. Case Study: Ammonia Storage Pressurized Spherical Tank Chemical Papers, Vol.58, No. 1, 2004, 48-54      
Labovský, J., Jelemenský, Ľ. and Markoš, J. Safety analysis and risk identification for a tubular reactor using the HAZOP methodology Chemical Papers, Vol.60, No. 6, 2006, 454-459      
Žajdlík, R., Markoš, J., Jelemenský, Ľ. and Remiarová, B. Single Coal Char Particle Combustion in the Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere Chemical Papers, Vol.54, No. 6b, 2000, 467-472      
Mierka, O., Stopka, J., Kiša, M. and Jelemenský, Ľ. Turbulent Reacting Flow Simulation Based on the Multi-Environment Mixing Model Chemical Papers, Vol.59, No. 6a, 2005, 394-402