Bis(nitrobenzoato)copper(II) Complexes with Nicotinamide, Preparation, Structure and Properties

Vasková, Zuzana, Stachová, Petra, Krupková, Lenka, Hudecová, Daniela and Valigura, Dušan Bis(nitrobenzoato)copper(II) Complexes with Nicotinamide, Preparation, Structure and Properties Acta Chimica Slovaca, Vol.2, No. 1, 2009, 77-87

Document type: Článok z časopisu / Journal Article
Collection: Acta Chimica Slovaca  
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Author(s) Vasková, Zuzana
Stachová, Petra
Krupková, Lenka
Hudecová, Daniela
Valigura, Dušan
Title Bis(nitrobenzoato)copper(II) Complexes with Nicotinamide, Preparation, Structure and Properties
Journal name Acta Chimica Slovaca
Publication date 2009
Year available 2009
Volume number 2
Issue number 1
ISSN 1337-978X
Start page 77
End page 87
Total pages 11
Place of publication Bratislava
Publisher Slovak Technical University
Collection year 2009
Language english
Subject 250000 Chemical Sciences
250200 Inorganic Chemistry
270000 Biological Sciences
270100 Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Abstract/Summary Reaction of copper (II) salts with nitrobenzoic acids in the presence nicotinamide the nitrobenzoatocopper(II) complexes with nicotinamide are formed. Their composition, spectral, magnetic properties and structure have been studied together with their antimicrobial activity. The stoichiometry of the final product is influenced by the type of nitrobenzoato ligand and 3-nitrobenzoato anion has caused formation of the complex of unusual stoichiometry [Cu(3-NO2bz)2(nia)1(H2O)2] was prepared and studied. The complexes of general formula [Cu(x-NO2bz)2(nia)2(H2O)y] (where x-NO2 = 2-NO2, 4-NO2 and y = 2; or x- NO2 = 3,5-(NO2)2 and y = 1) were obtained for other copper(II) nitrobenzoates. Rather unusual stoichiometry of [Cu(3-NO2bz)2(nia)1(H2O)2] has caused unusual magnetic behaviour and the antimicrobial activity different from those ones of composition [Cu(x- NO2bz)2(nia)2(H2O)y].
Keyword(s) copper complexes
nitrobenzoato ligand
nicotinamide ligand
crystal structure
antimicrobial activity
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