Rheological properties of doughs with buckwheat and quinoa additives

Jancurová, Michala, Minarovičová, Lucia and Dandár, Alexander Rheological properties of doughs with buckwheat and quinoa additives Chemical Papers, Vol.63, No. 6, 2009, 738-741

Document type: Článok z časopisu / Journal Article
Collection: Chemical papers  

Author(s) Jancurová, Michala
Minarovičová, Lucia
Dandár, Alexander
Title Rheological properties of doughs with buckwheat and quinoa additives
Journal name Chemical Papers
Publication date 2009
Year available 2009
Volume number 63
Issue number 6
ISSN 0366-6352
Start page 738
End page 741
Place of publication Poland
Publisher Versita
Collection year 2009
Language english
Subject 290000 Engineering and Technology
290100 Industrial Biotechnology and Food Sciences
Abstract/Summary Rheological properties of doughs prepared from wheat flour with buckwheat and quinoa flour addition (2.5 mass %, 5.0 mass %, 7.5 mass %, and 10 mass %) were investigated using a farinograph and compared with those of standard dough (without addition of pseudocereals). The following characteristics were determined: water absorption capacity, water consumption, dough growth time, level of dough softening, dough stability, mechanical resistance, and dough elasticity. Dough stability showed a linear decrease with the increasing content of pseudocereals. Doughs containing quinoa flour were more stable than those with buckwheat flour addition. Dough growth time was reduced with increasing amounts of buckwheat flour but it was not affected in the case of quinoa flour addition. From the comparison of the studied characteristics it can be concluded that an addition of lower amounts of quinoa (up to 5.0 mass %) to wheat flour will not significantly impair rheological properties of the dough but provides for enhanced nutritional value of the prepared bakery products.
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