Selection of a method for determination of activity of pectinolytic enzymes in berry fruit materials

Jakób, Alina, Bryjak, Jolanta and Polakovič, Milan Selection of a method for determination of activity of pectinolytic enzymes in berry fruit materials Chemical Papers, Vol.63, No. 6, 2009, 677-682

Document type: Článok z časopisu / Journal Article
Collection: Chemical papers  

Author(s) Jakób, Alina
Bryjak, Jolanta
Polakovič, Milan
Title Selection of a method for determination of activity of pectinolytic enzymes in berry fruit materials
Journal name Chemical Papers
Publication date 2009
Year available 2009
Volume number 63
Issue number 6
ISSN 0366-6352
Start page 677
End page 682
Place of publication Poland
Publisher Versita
Collection year 2009
Language english
Subject 290000 Engineering and Technology
290100 Industrial Biotechnology and Food Sciences
Abstract/Summary The goal of the study was to find the most accurate and sensitive method for the determination of activity of pectinolytic enzymes in complex mixtures obtained from fruit materials such as raw cloudberry and raspberry juices. Several assay methods based on enzymatic reactions using viscometric, colourimetric, spectrophotometric, or pH-titration detection of the reaction products were tested. Problems with the application of the selected methods, such as very low detection signal or very large background signal, were observed. Among the tested methods, only a modified method based on the continuous recording of the released carboxyl groups titration allowed to assay the activity of exogenous pectin methylesterase with a good linearity, sensitivity, accuracy, and minimised the interference of other fruit components.
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