The zeta potential of kaolin suspensions measured by electrophoresis and electroacoustics

Greenwood, R., Lapčíková, B., Surýnek, M., Waters, K. and Lapčík, L. The zeta potential of kaolin suspensions measured by electrophoresis and electroacoustics Chemical Papers, Vol.61, No. 2, 2007, 83-92

Document type: Článok z časopisu / Journal Article
Collection: Chemical papers  

Author(s) Greenwood, R.
Lapčíková, B.
Surýnek, M.
Waters, K.
Lapčík, L.
Title The zeta potential of kaolin suspensions measured by electrophoresis and electroacoustics
Journal name Chemical Papers
Publication date 2007
Year available 2007
Volume number 61
Issue number 2
ISSN 0366-6352
Start page 83
End page 92
Place of publication Poland
Publisher Versita
Collection year 2007
Language english
Subject 250000 Chemical Sciences
250200 Inorganic Chemistry
Abstract/Summary The zeta potentials of kaolin dilute and concentrated suspensions were monitored using the techniques of electrophoresis and electroacoustics, respectively. The effect of addition of salt (KCl), a polymer material (Triton X-100), and an anionic surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulphate, SDS) on the suspension properties was investigated by electrophoresis. Electroacoustics was employed for the measurement of zeta potentials for the highest possible kaolin content in suspension and the effect of dilution. The effect of aging of a freshly prepared sample and kaolin isoelectric point was also studied. Using both techniques it was noted that there was no isoelectric point, just a maximum value in the magnitude of the kaolin suspension zeta potential. These maxima were observed also in the presence of Triton X-100 and SDS. An increase of the concentration of KCl and SDS in suspension shifted the maxima towards more acidic values, while in the presence of Triton X-100 the position of the zeta potential maxima remained constant. Electroacoustic techniques revealed that a freshly prepared concentrated suspension requires about six hours to equilibrate to achieve a steady zeta potential. Diluting the concentrated suspensions led to decrease of the zeta potential as ions bound to the surface desorbed and screened the surface charge. The zeta potential maxima remained unchanged even after heating the powder in an oven at 200°C (to remove any organic material) thereby suggesting that the most likely explanation for the maxima is isomorphic substitution.
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