Spectrophotometric determination of nickel(II) in different samples by complexation with some triazolylazo dyes

Khedr, A. M. Spectrophotometric determination of nickel(II) in different samples by complexation with some triazolylazo dyes Chemical Papers, Vol.60, No. 2, 2006, 138-142

Document type: Článok z časopisu / Journal Article
Collection: Chemical papers  

Author(s) Khedr, A. M.
Title Spectrophotometric determination of nickel(II) in different samples by complexation with some triazolylazo dyes
Journal name Chemical Papers
Publication date 2006
Year available 2006
Volume number 60
Issue number 2
ISSN 0366-6352
Start page 138
End page 142
Place of publication Poland
Publisher Versita
Collection year 2006
Language english
Subject 250000 Chemical Sciences
250300 Organic Chemistry
Abstract/Summary A new sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of nickel(II) with 3-(2-hydroxy-5-acetyl-(L1),-5-ethoxycarbonyl-(L2),-5-methyl-(L3),-5-formyl-(L4),-5-bromophen-1-ylazo)-1,2,4-triazole (L5), and 3-(2,4-dihydroxyphen-1-ylazo)-1,2,4-triazole (L6) in aqueous media containing 40 vol. % methanol has been developed. The method is based on the formation of stable coloured Ni(II) complexes with stoichiometric ratios 1: 1 and 1: 2 (n(M): n(L)). Linear calibration graphs are obtained up to 7.04 µg cm−3 of nickel(II) under optimum conditions attained from investigation of complex formation. The absorption maxima varied from 485 nm to 545 nm and the molar absorptivities ranged from 0.84 × 104 to 4.65 × 104 dm3 mol−1 cm−1 for 1: 1 and 1: 2 (n(M): n(L)) complexes with varying the substituent on the phenolic ring. The optimum ranges for the direct determination of nickel(II) (Ringbom) and the stability constants of the formed complexes are determined. The developed method was applied to the spectrophotometric determination of nickel(II) in some samples with satisfactory results.
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