Using of the Dynamic Pressure-Step Method for Mass Transfer Coefficient Measurement in the Internal-Loop Airlift Reactor
Blažej, M., Annus, J. and Markoš, J. Using of the Dynamic Pressure-Step Method for Mass Transfer Coefficient Measurement in the Internal-Loop Airlift Reactor Chemical Papers, Vol.57, No. 6, 2003, 445-450
Document type:
Článok z časopisu / Journal Article |
Chemical papers
Author(s) |
Blažej, M. Annus, J. Markoš, J.
Title |
Using of the Dynamic Pressure-Step Method for Mass Transfer Coefficient Measurement in the Internal-Loop Airlift Reactor
Journal name |
Chemical Papers
Publication date |
Year available |
Volume number |
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Start page |
End page |
Place of publication |
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Collection year |
Language |
Subject |
290000 Engineering and Technology 290600 Chemical Engineering
Abstract/Summary |
The principle of the dynamic pressure-step method, consists insimultaneous measurement of both the oxygen concentration and the totalpressure in the internal-loop airlift reactor (ALR). After reaching steadyoxygen concentration in liquid (0.3 M-Na2SO4 solution) atthe atmospheric pressure, the pressure in the column was increased by about 15kPa. The pressure in the column changed in about 10-15 s, therefore this methodis called the non-ideal pressure-step method. Then, the instantaneous values ofboth the column pressure and the oxygen concentration could be used forcalculation of instantaneous driving force for the oxygen mass transfer withoutthe need of immediate pressure step. Measurements were carried out in the ALRs with a working volume of 40 dm3. Pureoxygen, air, and 0.3 M-Na2SO4 aqueoussolution were used as the model gas and liquid media. Measurements showed verygood agreement between k L a valuesmeasured with air and pure oxygen, respectively in the whole range of usedsuperficial velocities of input gas. Further experiments proved instantaneous changeof oxygen concentration in the whole volume of liquid phase. Measured data weredescribed by correlation based on superficial gas velocity of the input gas andby linear dependence on overall gas hold-up in the liquid.