Inserts Intensifying Heat Transfer Inside the Tubes: Design, Investigation, and Performance Efficiency Criteria

Krajewski, W. and Lodziej, A. Ko Inserts Intensifying Heat Transfer Inside the Tubes: Design, Investigation, and Performance Efficiency Criteria Chemical Papers, Vol.57, No. 6, 2003, 397-402

Document type: Článok z časopisu / Journal Article
Collection: Chemical papers  

Author(s) Krajewski, W.
Lodziej, A. Ko
Title Inserts Intensifying Heat Transfer Inside the Tubes: Design, Investigation, and Performance Efficiency Criteria
Journal name Chemical Papers
Publication date 2003
Year available 2003
Volume number 57
Issue number 6
ISSN 0366-6352
Start page 397
End page 402
Place of publication Poland
Publisher Versita
Collection year 2003
Language english
Subject 290000 Engineering and Technology
290600 Chemical Engineering
Abstract/Summary The use of tube inserts for enhancing heat transfer during air flow was investigated in regard to their adverse e ect of the increase of pressure drop. The pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics of nine designed metal inserts were measured and correlated in terms of Fanning friction factor, Colburn factor, and Nusselt number vs. Reynolds number. The selection of an optimal insert was difficult since the variations of f—j—Nu charts did not provide unequivocal information. The flow, heat, and heat-flow efficiencies were formulated in order to select the best carrier for two general cases: the constant flow (V-case) and constant pumping power (N-case). A one-dimensional criterion (εhf vs. Re) and a three-dimensional one (εhf vs. εh and εf) as well as unavoidable thermal and flow limitations of the process were discussed.
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