Kinetics of the Overall Higher Alcohol Synthesis Reacting System

Nowicki, L. and Olewski, T. Kinetics of the Overall Higher Alcohol Synthesis Reacting System Chemical Papers, Vol.57, No. 1, 2003, 21-26

Document type: Článok z časopisu / Journal Article
Collection: Chemical papers  

Author(s) Nowicki, L.
Olewski, T.
Title Kinetics of the Overall Higher Alcohol Synthesis Reacting System
Journal name Chemical Papers
Publication date 2003
Year available 2003
Volume number 57
Issue number 1
ISSN 0366-6352
Start page 21
End page 26
Place of publication Poland
Publisher Versita
Collection year 2003
Language english
Subject 290000 Engineering and Technology
290600 Chemical Engineering
291100 Environmental Engineering
Abstract/Summary In the kinetic models of higher alcohol synthesis developed in this study, the reaction productswere treated on a lumped basis. The alcohols and hydrocarbons (unbranched alkanes) are regardedas single pseudocomponents with average carbon number chain length depending on the processvariables. The lumped treatment of the kinetics seems to be valuable to get better understandingof the e_ect of operating variables. The advantage of such type of models is a reduced number ofparameters to be estimated. Three types of the rate equations describing the formation rates ofalcohols, hydrocarbons and the rate of water-gas-shift reaction were assumed. The discriminationbetween the proposed rate equations was based on experimental rates measured in a tank slurryreactor over a modi_ed Cu/ZnO catalyst. The inhibiting e_ect of water vapour appeared to be themost important for production of alcohols and hydrocarbons.
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