Photophysical Properties of Quaternary Lanthanide Molecular Functional Complex Systems

Yan, B. and Xie, Q. Y. Photophysical Properties of Quaternary Lanthanide Molecular Functional Complex Systems Chemical Papers, Vol.58, No. 5, 2004, 316-319

Document type: Článok z časopisu / Journal Article
Collection: Chemical papers  
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Author(s) Yan, B.
Xie, Q. Y.
Title Photophysical Properties of Quaternary Lanthanide Molecular Functional Complex Systems
Journal name Chemical Papers
Publication date 2004
Year available 2004
Volume number 58
Issue number 5
ISSN 0366-6352
Start page 316
End page 319
Place of publication Poland
Publisher Versita
Collection year 2004
Language english
Subject 250000 Chemical Sciences
Abstract/Summary According to the molecular fragment principle, a series of twelve quaternary luminescent lanthanide complex molecular systems were assembled. Their compositions were determined using elemental analyses and infrared spectra: Ln(inic)3(L) · H2O, where Ln = Sm, Eu, Tb, Dy; Hinic = pyridine-4-carboxylic acid; L = N,N-dimethylformamide, N,N-dimethylacetamide, 2-pyrrolidone. The photophysical properties of these functional molecular systems were studied using ultravioletvisible absorption spectra, fluorescence excitation and emission, and phosphorescence spectra. It was found that the conjugated Hinic acts as the main energy donor and luminescence sensitizer for the suitable energy match and effective energy transfer to the luminescent Ln3+ ions. Amide molecules (L) were used only as the assistant structural ligands to influence the luminescence. Especially the luminescent property of terbium species is the strongest for the optimum energy transfer between the triplet of Hinic and Tb3+. The luminescence intensities of europium and dysprosium species were weaker than those of Tb3+ ones and the samarium species were the least for that there exist some internal energy levels of 6F11/2, 6F9/2,. . .,6H11/2 between the first excited state 4G5/2 and the ground state 6H9/2 for Sm3+ ion, so the nonradiative energy transfer processes dissipate the energy greatly.
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