The Role of Coating in the Cellular Material Preparation

Oriňáková, R., Kupková, M., Dudrová, E., Kabátová, M. and Šupicová, M. The Role of Coating in the Cellular Material Preparation Chemical Papers, Vol.58, No. 4, 2004, 236-241

Document type: Článok z časopisu / Journal Article
Collection: Chemical papers  
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Author(s) Oriňáková, R.
Kupková, M.
Dudrová, E.
Kabátová, M.
Šupicová, M.
Title The Role of Coating in the Cellular Material Preparation
Journal name Chemical Papers
Publication date 2004
Year available 2004
Volume number 58
Issue number 4
ISSN 0366-6352
Start page 236
End page 241
Place of publication Poland
Publisher Versita
Collection year 2004
Language english
Subject 250000 Chemical Sciences
Abstract/Summary The hollow metal spheres represent the interesting substance, suitable for the cellular material production by the powder metallurgical method. Thick-walled and thus stronger hollow particles are of interest for less extremely light-weight but mechanically stronger components. The basic material properties improving by metal coating deposition is described. The electrolytical and electroless coating of iron hollow spheres with Cu and Ni, in fluidized bed arrangement, is demonstrated here. The influence of the deposition method and the coating conditions on the mechanical properties, surface morphology, and coating composition of the covered spheres were investigated. The effect of current intensity on current efficiency was also studied there. It was found that the cell structure, surface morphology, composition, and mechanical properties of prepared samples are strongly affected by the coating method.
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