Extraction Distribution of Micronmox|nts of Strontium in the Two-Phase Water—HCl—Nitrobenzene—Benzo-15-crown-5—Hydrogen Dicarbollylcobaltate System

Makrlík, E. and Vobecký, M. Extraction Distribution of Micronmox|nts of Strontium in the Two-Phase Water—HCl—Nitrobenzene—Benzo-15-crown-5—Hydrogen Dicarbollylcobaltate System Chemical Papers, Vol.58, No. 3, 2004, 160-162

Document type: Článok z časopisu / Journal Article
Collection: Chemical papers  
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Author(s) Makrlík, E.
Vobecký, M.
Title Extraction Distribution of Micronmox|nts of Strontium in the Two-Phase Water—HCl—Nitrobenzene—Benzo-15-crown-5—Hydrogen Dicarbollylcobaltate System
Journal name Chemical Papers
Publication date 2004
Year available 2004
Volume number 58
Issue number 3
ISSN 0366-6352
Start page 160
End page 162
Place of publication Poland
Publisher Versita
Collection year 2004
Language english
Subject 250000 Chemical Sciences
250300 Organic Chemistry
Abstract/Summary xtraction of microamounts of strontium with a nitrobenzene solution of hydrogen dicarbollylcobaltate in the presence of benzo-15-crown-5 (L) has been investigated. The equilibrium data have been explained assuming that the complexes HL+, HL2+, and SrL22+ are extracted into the organic phase. The values of extraction and stability constants of the species in nitrobenzene saturated with water have been determined.
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