Phase Chemistry and Thermochemistry of Coordination of Chromium Chloride to Histidine

Chen, S., Gao, S., Ji, M., Hu, R. and Shi, Q. Phase Chemistry and Thermochemistry of Coordination of Chromium Chloride to Histidine Chemical Papers, Vol.56, No. 3, 2002, 162-167

Document type: Článok z časopisu / Journal Article
Collection: Chemical papers  
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Author(s) Chen, S.
Gao, S.
Ji, M.
Hu, R.
Shi, Q.
Title Phase Chemistry and Thermochemistry of Coordination of Chromium Chloride to Histidine
Journal name Chemical Papers
Publication date 2002
Year available 2002
Volume number 56
Issue number 3
ISSN 0366-6352
Start page 162
End page 167
Place of publication Poland
Publisher Versita
Collection year 2002
Language english
Subject 250000 Chemical Sciences
Abstract/Summary The solubility properties of the ternary systems CrCl3—His—H2O at 298.15 K in the entire concentration range have been investigated by the phase equilibrium method and the corresponding solubility diagrams (phase diagrams) have been constructed. The congruently soluble complexes Cr(His)Cl3 ·H2O, Cr(His)2Cl3 ·H2O, and Cr(His)3Cl3 ·H2O have been prepared. The compositions of these complexes were determined by chemical and elemental analyses. The enthalpies of reaction of chromium chloride with histidine in water have been measured by microcalorimeter. On the basis of experimental and calculated results, three thermodynamic parameters (the activation enthalpy, the activation entropy, and the activation Gibbs energy), the rate constant, three kinetic parameters (the activation energy, the pre-exponential constant, and the reaction order) are obtained.
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