Technological Parameters of the Epoxidation of Allyl Alcohol with Hydrogen Peroxide over TS-1 and TS-2 Catalysts

Wróblewska, A. and Milchert, E. Technological Parameters of the Epoxidation of Allyl Alcohol with Hydrogen Peroxide over TS-1 and TS-2 Catalysts Chemical Papers, Vol.56, No. 3, 2002, 150-157

Document type: Článok z časopisu / Journal Article
Collection: Chemical papers  
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Author(s) Wróblewska, A.
Milchert, E.
Title Technological Parameters of the Epoxidation of Allyl Alcohol with Hydrogen Peroxide over TS-1 and TS-2 Catalysts
Journal name Chemical Papers
Publication date 2002
Year available 2002
Volume number 56
Issue number 3
ISSN 0366-6352
Start page 150
End page 157
Place of publication Poland
Publisher Versita
Collection year 2002
Language english
Subject 250000 Chemical Sciences
250300 Organic Chemistry
Abstract/Summary The course of epoxidation of allyl alcohol with a 30 % hydrogen peroxide over the TS-1 and TS-2 catalysts has been investigated. Two types of solvents, aprotic (acetone) and protic (methanol), were used in the studies. The optimum conditions were established for the epoxidation of allyl alcohol in the presence of acetone and methanol using the TS-1 catalyst. The studies with TS-2 catalyst were performed under the same reaction conditions. The effect of the following process parameters was studied: temperature (20—120ºC), the mole ratio AA—H2O2 ((1—10):1), solvent content (10—80 mass %), catalyst content (0.1—2.0 mass %), and reaction time (1—8 h). It was found that the highest yield of glycidol (64.4 mole % over TS-1, 88.3 mole % over TS-2) was achieved in the presence of methanol independently of the catalyst type. The optimum parameters were the same: temperature 20◦C, the mole ratio of AA—H2O2 = 5, methanol content 80 mass %, reaction time 1 h, but the catalyst content in the reaction mixture was different and amounted to 1 mass % for TS-1 and 0.1 mass % for TS-2.
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